A bit of history   








Stefano Giovanelli, who was born in 1744, kept his pharmacy in Roncone (Tn) to which he added a wax-factory in 1780.When Stefano died, his son Bernardo inherited the whole business and at his death, his son Stefano Ottavio took his place.
In 1864 Stefano Ottavio Giovanelli sold the pharmacy. The Giovanellis inherited the Wax-factory which moved to Tione di Trento in 1902 and at that time its owner was Giuseppe Giovanelli. During the first World War Tione was on the front.


The Wax-factory was put in requisition, the machineries were disassembled and in the Wax-factory an infirmary was equipped for the horses of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire that was just on the front near there.
In 1926, when Giuseppe Giovanelli died, the business was kept on by his son Guido.
After the Second World War, the market of the Wax- factory has a good development.
Guido, whose son Giuseppe has begun to work with, spreads his market through the whole Trentino, the Alto Adige and neighbouring regions

Following up the Agreement “Trentino Alto Adige/ Tirolo Voralbreg” the factory starts the first business relations with Austria
Since 1995 the Wax- factory has become a SNC company and Giuseppe Giovanelli is the owner together with his sons, Roberta, Marcella and Antonio and his wife Liliana.
During these last years the factory has been completely been restructured both in its buildings and in its production-line that nowadays, together with an accurate and refined craftsmanship, can take profit from advanced technological systems that enable us to face the ever changing exigencies of the market, so we are in a position to supply our customers with first quality products.